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Community Safety Scotland webinars

Every year in the UK, more than 6,000 people die in accidents in the home, with many more seriously injured.

It’s also estimated that around 60 per cent of all accident-related visits to A&E departments are due to accidents that either happen at home or at leisure.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions from government, people of all ages have been spending more time in the home. However, this is the place where accidents are more likely to happen.

RoSPA is leading the way in campaigning for change and providing a range of resources in order to educate, inform and help people prevent home accidents. People have previously told us that talks and discussion groups are a channel through which they’d like to receive safety information and advice, and during the COVID-19 pandemic we’re running online webinars for families, communities and practitioners covering a wide range of safety topics. You can find out more below.

An overview of child safety in the home
An overview of child safety in the home

Hear about the most common types of accident affecting children and how you can prevent them.

Electrical safety in the home
Electrical safety in the home

Supported by Electrical Safety First, this session covers the everyday items that could potentially cause harm in your home and the ways in which injuries and damage can be avoided.

Fire safety in the home
Fire safety in the home

Supported by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, this webinar considers fire hazards in the home as well as topics such as BBQ safety.

Burns and scalds – a webinar for practitioners
Burns and scalds – a webinar for practitioners

Aimed at practitioners, this session includes speakers from the Children’s Burns Unit Glasgow, Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children and the Scottish Burned Children’s Club.

Keeping kids safe around water
Keeping kids safe around water

Aimed at families, this webinar focuses on water safety and features presentations from the RNLI on beach safety and Jane Campbell Morrison on recreational safety.

Home safety around Europe during COVID-19
Home safety around Europe during COVID-19

Leading safety practitioners from the UK, Austria, Norway and Spain discuss home safety in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What can we do about falls in the home? A webinar for practitioners
What can we do about falls in the home? A webinar for practitioners

Aimed at practitioners, this session included details of current research as well as innovative and strategic ways falls are being prevented. Speakers included Professor Dawn Skelton (Glasgow Caledonian University), Janet Thomas (NHS) and Lianne McInally (NHS Lanarkshire).

Preventing falls in the home
Preventing falls in the home

This webinar focused on falls in the home and what families and individuals can do to help prevent them, including ladder and DIY safety and with speakers from Roar for Life and Age Scotland.

Halloween and firework safety
Halloween and firework safety

The webinar covered ways to keep children safe during the Halloween period as well as Building Safer Communities (Scottish Government) discussing firework safety and recent developments in Scotland.

Inequalities and unintentional injuries – a webinar for practitioners
Inequalities and unintentional injuries – a webinar for practitioners

This webinar looked at inequalities and unintentional injuries. Speakers included: Dr Alison McLuckie (NHS Lothian), Dr Elizabeth Orton (Nottingham University), Elaine Paterson (Public Health Scotland) and Marguerite Hunter Blair (Play Scotland).

Carbon monoxide safety
Carbon monoxide safety

This webinar looked at carbon monoxide safety and featured presentations from SGN and the Katie Haines Memorial Trust.

Keeping kids safe this Christmas
Keeping kids safe this Christmas

As we immerse ourselves in the festivities of Christmas, it’s important to make sure we have a safe and healthy time over the holiday season. The webinar will take place on December 8 at 10am.

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