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Order your SHAD (Safety and Health Day Resource) Pack

Order Form


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Proceeds from this resource pack directly benefit RoSPA's Brighter Beginnings Appeal, providing tips and tools to vulnerable families. . Please tick here to confirm that you'd like to be kept up to date about this, and other RoSPA initiatives via Safety Matters, our monthly e-bulletin.

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We would love to keep in contact with you from time to time about our products and services. We will be very careful in selecting what we send and will not bombard you with lots of emails and letters. By filling out this form, you’ll be letting us know that you consent to hearing from us, by email or post, unless you tell us otherwise. We will make it very easy to unsubscribe at any time should you change your mind.

Would you like to hear from our carefully selected partners? They will not bombard you with emails and letters and will only keep you up to date with relevant news, products, services and special promotions that we feel are relevant to you.

You can write to us at any time to change your mind about receiving further messages from us or click on the "unsubscribe" link in our email communications. More detailed information on how we will securely store and carefully use your data is available on request in our privacy policy.


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Terms & Conditions:

Promotion codes are only valid for orders placed online.

1. The resource pack will be provided electronically to the email address entered above

2. Following payment you will be emailed with details of how to supply your organisation's logo. Failure to supply a logo in the specified format may result in our inability to provide a dual-branded pack. If this is the case, a RoSPA branded pack will be sent and no refund issued.

3. The marketing department reserves the right to refuse to issue dual-branded resources to any person or organisation at their absolute discretion. In the unlikely event that this is the case a refund will be issued.

4. We will endeavour to provide your dual-branded electronic pack within 10 days of receipt of your logo, but cannot guarantee to do so.

5. The pack will be provided as a pdf for internal printing and reproduction up to A3. The image quality may not support a larger format.

6. You’ll be asked to let us know if you’re using a professional printer, as if so we will provide files that include a marked bleed area and are suitable for reproduction up to A3. Failure to let us know at the time of asking may mean that an additional cost is incurred if this is later requested.

7. No part of the pack may be edited or altered without the express permission of RoSPA.

8. RoSPA reserves the right to decline to accept orders where, in its opinion, a promotion code is invalid for the order being placed.

9. Promotion codes are only valid on specific products and may be withdrawn at any time

10. Only one promotion code can be used per order

11. Promotion codes are not valid in conjunction with any other promotion. Offer is not valid on sale items or other discounted items unless otherwise specified.

12. The pack and related materials are provided to aid the dissemination of free safety advice and information to employees, clients, suppliers and the local community. It is not permissible to charge for use of any of the resources e.g. attendance at a toolbox talk or similar.

By ticking this box you confirm the terms of conditions of purchasing a dual-branded resource pack.