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Fall Prevention for Social Housing Tenants

Trent & Dove piloted a year-long fall prevention project targeting tenants aged 60 and over. It demonstrated a 69% reduction in falls experienced by participants. The approach was based on raising awareness of the risks and consequences of falls and supporting tenants to implement personal prevention measures to reduce their risk.

181 people attended Fall Fighter awareness sessions including staff, tenants and community members. 161 tenants were visited at home and provided with fall prevention advice tailored to their individual circumstances.
High satisfaction and added value were reported by visited tenants. When surveyed, 90% knew more about fall prevention, 91% felt safer at home and 73% felt less likely to have a fall.

Face-to-face visits returned great value for tenants and Trent & Dove. Tenants were given information to promote autonomy and enable them to make timely, informed risk management choices. They were protected from unnecessary suffering by early intervention on physical and psychological issues. Trent & Dove benefited in turn by reducing the impact that falls and poor risk management would have otherwise had on their property, people,
and communities.

Fall Prevention Project Summary Report
Fall Prevention Project Full Report


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