Take Action Today - UK
Reducing accidental poisoning across the country

The Take Action Today Put them Away programme supported by the UKCPI has so far been delivered across 40 areas of the UK including Birmingham, Liverpool, Coventry and Nottingham.
Areas participating in the programme have seen a reduction in hospital admissions and an increased understanding among families of the risk of accidental poisoning to children under five years old.
How does it work?
The aim of the campaign is to reach as many families with under-fives as possible with a magnetic pad that they can place on their fridge with the key messages of how to prevent accidental poisoning among their children. It serves as a great reminder on a day-to-day basis but also provides a handy way of engaging families in conversation about preventing household poisoning.
Each participating area receives a supply of the magnetic pads based on the number of families with under-fives in the area and undertakes to distribute these over the next few months. The impact of the programme is measured through a mix of feedback from families on how the programme has increased their awareness and changed how they store household products, along with data on hospital admissions and (where available) attendances.
Other tools include briefing packs for those who work with families, factsheets and checklists.
The programme usually begins with a media launch at a venue that is accessible to families and those who will be involved in delivering the campaign. Children’s hospitals, children’s centres and libraries are examples of previous venues.
Join the programme and receive free resources
If you are based in the North West please visit Take Action Today - North West.
If you are from another area please contact us for more details.