A few thoughts about prevention
A few thoughts about prevention
A good indication that RoSPA is on the right lines when it says 'Accidents don't have to happen' is that, in reality, only a tiny minority actually do.
Any human endeavour is always full of potential for adverse, unplanned outcomes - from a major explosion at a chemical plant killing hundreds, to an old person tumbling down a flight of stairs and spending many days in hospital.
We are, every day and in every situation, surrounded by hazards - and thus exposed to the risk of harm. So why does this exposure not convert much more often to calamity and injury? In large part it is because - and generally speaking this is achieved unconsciously - as individuals and organisations, we are constantly identifying what might go awry and are adopting measures to prevent things tipping into disaster and/or we are taking steps to reduce the seriousness of consequences if they do.
But if we are honest, it is also to some extent because of the operation of chance. For the vast majority of accidents to happen, many elements of safety failure have to align for an accident sequence to initiate and then result in a bad outcome. Most of the time they don’t get started or are stopped in their tracks. We know this because, in most situations the number of 'near misses' greatly outnumbers those relatively few times when really bad outcomes occur. How many times have you nearly been involved in a collision while driving, or nearly tripped on the stairs?
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