Joining the conversation on health and safety
Joining the conversation on health and safety
Having a seat at the right table at the right time is a thread that has run through RoSPA’s policy work for decades, says Dr Karen McDonnell.
As a membership organisation with a truly global reach, having the right conversation at the right time about the prevention agenda provides opportunities to influence and effect change - more lives free from serious accidental injury through the exchange of life enhancing knowledge and skills by using our voice and echoing those of our members.
Members’ voices add value to our work by providing new perspectives on our policy priorities, focusing on people, and not simply that ‘part’ of the person that comes to work on a daily basis but considering each person as a ‘whole person’ with a ‘whole life’, and making the case that it is increasingly important to understand the workforce from that perspective.
RoSPA’s seat at the table at the British Standards Institution (BSI)’s HS/1 - Occupational health and safety management committee enables us to engage in the evolution of new standards and add value to conversations about research that influences the OSH ecosystem here in the UK, Europe and the wider world. Part of the conversation at the HS/1 table are current and emerging trends in OSH across Europe, the movement from arduous work to administrative activities bringing a shift in risk factors from musculoskeletal disorders to psychosocial risks. The latter are considered within ISO 45003 Psychological Health and Safety at Work - a standard evolving from the work of HS/1, as effective management of such risks is pivotal to personal, organisational and societal sustainability.
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