Natural play area inspections

Recent Government funding through the Playbuilder and Pathfinder Schemes has provided much emphasis on the development of natural play.
Natural play areas are often comprised of some well chosen items of equipment, connected by mounds of grass, bridges, boulders, logs and so on. These natural areas provide less structure than a traditional playground. Therefore, when well designed, they can encourage more physical and creative challenges such as climbing, rolling, hiding and den building.
RoSPA Playsafety is the premier play safety organisation in the world. We bring worldwide experience to our inspections of all types of play equipment. We can provide a number of different services to help you improve the design and safety of your natural play area.
We can help by checking your designs and ensuring that they not only meet applicable standards, but also that they best suit your play space and budget. Our qualified landscape design and maintenance experts can even provide a pre-installation inspection for extra peace of mind, prior to committing your Playbuilder, Pathfinder or Natural Play scheme funding. We can then provide a post installation inspection on the newly completed play area. If you have more than one site that is being developed through the Playbuilder and Pathfinder Schemes, you can receive bulk booking discounts of up to 60%.
The Playbuilder and Pathfinder Schemes only have limited timescales so here at RoSPA Playsafety we will do our best to meet your deadlines with most inspections being carried out within 2 days to 2 weeks of an order being received.
RoSPA have no commercial interest in the outcome of our services. We do not believe in you spending money unless it is really necessary. We often provide money saving ideas in reports for both plan checks and site inspections. We can also ensure that you have received value for money from your installers.
To find out more about how we can help with your Playbuilder project, or to book any of our services for your natural play area, contact us on +44 (0)1793 317470 or at [email protected]