Start your RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders journey today
Join your local group today and you will be on the road to improving your driving standards, knowledge and skills.
RoADAR Journey Map to gain Tutoring and take the Advanced Test
Step 1 – Find a Local Group
Why join your local RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders group?
According to figures from the Department for Transport, in 2019 there were 25,945 seriously injured casualties in reported road traffic accidents and a total of 1,752 people were killed on British roads.
Joining your local group will allow you to gain free advice, assessment and support, which will help you prepare for the advanced test.
How to join your local RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders group
It’s simple: Join a local group by downloading the document to find your nearest group, once you have made contact the group will support you on your advanced journey, you will be provided with free tutoring for your chosen vehicle type, car or bike, or both! Once you feel ready to take your advanced test please complete the Initial Advanced Test application below.
Group Information
Take a look at our list of around 60 Groups and check to see if there is a Group local to you.
Step 2 – Contact the Group directly to arrange to join
Contact the Group directly using the contact details on the Groups list and arrange to become a Member. You will be asked to pay a small membership fee, however there is no charge for the training itself (Some expenses may occur for motorcycle members – the Group will provide details of this).
Step 3 – Receive your Tutoring through the Group
As a new member, you will be assigned to one of the Group’s tutors as soon as one becomes available. You will then both agree on suitable days/times for tutoring.
All driving and riding tutors are volunteers who have passed RoSPA’s Advanced Test and have also been trained and assessed in instruction. All tutors take re-tests every three years to ensure a consistently high standard of instruction.
You will use your own vehicle and the tutors will give you advice and guidance throughout. You are free to take as many training sessions as you feel you need. RoSPA groups and tutors are aware that everyone learns at their own pace. Groups are formed of volunteers, so training will often take place on evenings and weekends. Training and guidance will continue for as long as you are a subscribing member of the Group.
Your tutor will advise you when they think you are ready to take your test.
What does a test involve?
Our test guideline documents provide you with all you need to know before sitting your test. Download your guide today for your specific vehicle to find out more.
Advanced Car Test Guidelines
Advanced Motorcycle Test Guidelines
Step 4 – Apply for and taking your Test
Once you are ready to take your test you can apply using our online form
The cost is £77 (Inc VAT) for a Car test and £85 (Inc VAT) for a Motorcycle test.
Your Application will be entered onto our system and sent through to a Regional Senior Examiner who will then allocate your test to an Examiner most local to you. The Examiner will contact you directly (usually within two weeks) to make arrangements for a time, date and place for your test. You will be required to show a valid an up to date photocard or paper driving licence on the day of the test.
Step 5 – Your RoADAR Journey Continues After taking the test
On successful completion, you will be awarded either a Bronze, Silver or Gold level and a test report and certificate will be issued by email within two weeks of your test date.
You will automatically become a subscribing member of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders and your first year’s Membership is included within the test fee. Your free year will start from the date of your test application.
Membership is then subject to an annual fee of £40 which will become payable one year after your test application.
As a Member you will be asked to re-test every three years, the cost of the re-tests are included in the yearly subscription fee. You will also receive subscription to the bi-monthly Care on The Road Magazine and access to the RoADAR Benefits Platform including discounts on insurance, travel, days out, holidays and much more.
Your next step to becoming a RoADAR Member
Book your initial test
The RoSPA advanced test is regarded as the most comprehensive and challenging test available to the public. It is monitored and approved by the Driving Standards Agency.

Book interim test
The Interim test is available for any member who wishes to take a test in-between their 3-yearly free re-test and including anybody who has failed the initial test.

Advanced Tutor Test
The Advanced Tutor Test is available to Tutors within our network of Groups of volunteers. The candidate will receive training for the test from the Group and passing the test will qualify the candidate to train Tutors within the Group.

Book your RoADAR Driving Review
Our RoADAR Driving Review allows you to have your driving reviewed, no pass or fail. This review provides hints and tips on any requirement needs while also provides you with confidence.

Book an LGV test
Do you drive a large goods or passenger carrier vehicle? This advanced test relates to these vehicle and tests your driving skills.